american peacekeepers’ blues

we’ll set you right up in our show for all’em peoples
we must set you all up right in place in this parade
we must get you upfront for eveveryone to see
in this struggle for peace &
for freedom & democracy
we’ll make them all see your unbelievable madness
: we say a hit is a hit is a hit in your face
you’ll be gettin’ the red hot funk :

you were probably thinking that the blues oh well
they had to be an all down and out thing
well I really got news for you ’cause you gotta know my friend
how bad & all down & ever out you should be
them’s always been about this hard way back up
& back up to some truth & some self-esteem
: the blues always been about your whole way back up
all the long way back up to yourself :

so I’m tryin’ to arm you with some confidence uncle sam
I’m even providing you with a little bitta spunk
but if you don’t get rid of this power & war game soon
this agenda of some old gangsters’ mob
we’ll have to keep sayin’: a hit is a hit is a hit in your face
so you’ll be gettin’ the red hot funk
: yep’ a hit is a hit is a hit in your face
& you’ll be gettin’ the red hot funk :


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